The incident takes place in the cloak room of the bath house.
There is a door and stairs on the left (if you are in the hall), the entrance door of the bath house is on the right in the corner. There is a swimming pool and fountain in the middle and the candiller is hanging. The bath-house attendant Mashadi Gazanfar in yellow sheepskin coat is sitting in his place on the left of the exit door. A brazier is in front of him, with a clay -pot on it. The casket is near him. He smokes a pipe. A little far on his right the barber usta Maharram is cutting Karbalayi Nasir's hair. A little bit away are sitting zurnachi Musicians. Some bath attendants with raising hems are standing red aprens in their hands.


All sing: Inside, inside the bathing pool, or outside of it. (2)
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!
The poor and the rich welcome, hurry up, please, come. Come!.
A voice is heard from the inside of the bath. Hey, you, come on! Bring an egg!
Spring, summer and winter, in hot and cool weather, the poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!


The barber shaves, the bath keeper smokes a pipe

Mashadi Gazanfar: Really, when I think it over, I see and realize that the most entertaining place in life is only the bath. Don't think that I'm a bath-keeper and that's why I speak so. No! My man, when one speaks he must be just: where can you warm yourselves in winter?
All: In the bath!
Mashadi Gazanfar: Then, who can tell that bath is a bad place?
All:! Of course, nobody
Mashadi Gazanfar: If so, then, enjoy yourselves!
Usta Maharram: I'm a barber. I spent most of my life in the bath, and I do not feel a single sorrow for it. Because I realize, that nowhere except the bath I have a pleasant time. People go, how do you call it? Yes, to the club. But my club is the bath. People attend the theatre, but my theatre is the bath. My man, where can you have a rest when you are tried?
All: In the bath!
Usta Maharram: Where can you have a bit amusement?
All: In the bath!
Usta Maharram: ? Then, who can say that the bath is an uncomfortable place
All: Nobody!
Usta Maharram: If so, then, enjoy yourselves!


All sing:
Inside, inside the bathing pool, or outside of it. (2)
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!
The poor and the rich welcome, hurry up, please, come. Come!.
Avoice is heard from inside of the bath. Hey, come! Bring a cigarette, and only on a cigar holder.
All sing:
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich, welcome, we are at your service.(2)


Karbalayi Nasir:
(he speaks when the barber sharpens the shaving - razor). I'm an uneducated man, but when people were reading, I heard: when Moslem padishahs built a town, they first used to build a bath, then a Karvansarah, and then a mosque. My man, let's speak honestly, one works in a dust and dirt, he becomes dirty and rusty, and then where can one become tidy?
All: In the bath!
Karbalayi Nasir: Where can you become "pak"?[faultless]
All: In the bath!
Karbalayi Nasir: T Then, who can say the bath is an uncomfortable place?
All: Of course, nobody!
Karbalayi Nasir: Right you are!
Masahadi Gazanfar You told about padishah, I remembered. Now days the bath has lost its popularity, but in ancient times it used to have a great respect. All poets, story-tellers, traveling hermits -all used to assemble in the bath and they would amuse the people in the bath with interesting talks. My man, where do you have pleasant talks?
All: In the bath!
Masahadi Gazanfar Where do you forget the world's grief?
All: In the bath!
Masahadi Gazanfar So, who can tell that bath is not a comfortable place?
All: Nobody!
Usta Maharram: If so, sing, please!


All sing: Inside, inside the bathing pool, or outside of it. (2)
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!
The poor and the rich welcome, hurry up, please, come. Come!.
A voice is heard from the bath:

Hey, come on!.. Bring "ab khurdan" [kalian] with a cane in it!


All sing: Inside, inside the bathing pool, or outside of it. (2)
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!
The poor and the rich welcome, hurry up, please, come. Come!.
Usta Maharram: I swear by you, there are such patients that the undergraduate doctors are helpless to think medicine for them. But as soon as the patient is brought to the bath, he recovers immediately. Besides, the bath is such a place, which gives a man adornment and propriety. Say, where can one have bloodletting?
All: In the bath!
Usta Maharram: Where can one have his hair cut?
All: In the bath!
Usta Maharram: Where can you get your beard dyed with henna?
All: Of course, in the bath!
Usta Maharram: Right you are!
Masahadi Gazanfar
You said «Henna» I remembered a poem by Saadi Shirazi al-yaal-Rahman. One day when the deceased was taking' a bath he was given henna by his beloved and its aroma made him so heady that he recited this verse concerning about it:
One day I was given by my beloved,
A piece of fine smelling mud in the bath.
I said: Are you scent or spirit that I'm heady?
It said: 1 was worthless mud, however,
My companion's wit influenced on me And I became equal to a lovely flower! If it were not so, I'd be left as worthless mud.
Believe me, if Saadi Al-yaal-rahman didn't come to the bath he couldn't write this verse. My man, if so, who can tell that bath is not a comfortable place for rest?
All: Nobody!
Mashadi Gazanfar: If so, then sing a little!


All sing:
Inside, inside the bathing pool, or outside of it. (2)
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!
The poor and the rich welcome, hurry up, please, come. Come!.
Somebody's voice is heard from the inside of the bath: Hey, come!., bath-sheet! Come and take! (The bath - attendants take the bath sheets and go).
All sing:
Inside, inside the bathing pool, or outside of it. (2)
Heat and coolness of spring, summer, and winter is in.
The poor and the rich welcome, we are at your service!
The poor and the rich welcome, hurry up, please, come. Come!.

© Musigi Dunyasi, 2005