Rustam bey:
What are you saying?
Sarvar: Because after killing Gulnaz I'll not live!
Rustam bey: (furiously). You can not kill my daughter!
Sarvar: You'll not know about it.
Rustam bey: Why?
Sarvar: Because I'll kill you first.
Rustam bey : What are you telling? Are you mad?
Look here, you want to make the girl unhappy. So I, Sarvar, warn you, Rustam bay, if you don't give Gulnaz to me, I'll shoot you first, then I'll shoot your daughter, and finally do myself! (he goes)
Rustam bey: Hey, you, lad, wait! You see, I promised another man, it's too late.
Sarvar: If you agree with me, I'll correct everything.
Rustam bey

How can you do it?

Sarvar: At first tell me, are you calmed down?
Rustam bey

Yes, I am.

Sarvar says something to his ear

Rustam bey Ashi, you can't say so! Is it possible?
Sarvar: I swear by you, my word is honest. Do you agree?
Rustam bey: All right. I agree. But if nothing comes out?
Then marry your daughter to whoever you want!
Rustam bey Very good!
Sarvar: But don't say anything to Mashadi Ibad. You only hasten him to plan the wedding.
Rustam bey Very good. I think it's acceptable. We shall see!
Sarvar: Look, if the plan is not done..


All sing: Sarvar is guilty in this matter. (2)
Sarvar: If I do not plan correctly...
Rustam bey: If not correctly...
Sarvar: If I can not do.
Rustam bey

If you can not do.
Βρε : Sarvar is guilty in this matter. (2)

The music plays, all dance and leave the stage
Mashadi Ibad appears in the street, he is sad and excited. The porter follows him.


Mashadi Ibad

(sings a bayati). I'm apart from my beloved,
I'm fed up of my life.
I'm in such a great loss,
That I hardly remember my name!

All people assemble around Mashadi Ibad in the street

Mashadi Ibad

How hard has gone my life and mood!
While looking for a horse, the saddle I lost.
Having trusted to a young girl
Five thousand manats my money I lost!


People around:

You were their native, why became stranger? (2)
You were abandon by that tender woman!
It can't be so, my man!
Hey bala it can't be so, my man!
Aman, hey aman, aman, hey aman,
It can't be so, my man!
Hey bala, it can't be so my man!
Mashadi Ibad:

If I knew it before, I would not give money!
The cunning people would not use my money!
Oh my lovely Gulnaz,
Hey bala, oh, my lovely Gulnaz!
Aman, hey aman, aman, hey aman!..
Oh my lovely Gulnaz,
Hey bala, oh my lovely Gulnaz!
People sing:
You thought to marry to a graceful young girl. (2)
To marry a young girl, and keep her at home.
It can't be so, my man!..
Hey bala, it can't be so, old man!
Porter: Hey, Mashadi, you've broken my back, you'd better give me one more "abbasi"(2-hryvnya coin-editor).
Mashadi Ibad:
(as a sick man).Hey boy, get out of here! Think, what's my grief, and what's your want! I'd wish my grief cost one "abbasi", as yours!

The nationalist Hasangulu bay comes

Hasangulu bey:

Mashadi Ibad, Salamaleykum. My man, what has happened? What a disgrace! I heard the girl has 2 bridegrooms, is it so?
Mashadi Ibad: Hey, Hasangulu bay, be so kind, tell me for the sake of God, you were a witness; didn't Rustam bey say that he married off his daughter to me?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, he did!
Mashadi Ibad: Didn't he invite me to his apartment?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, he did!
Mashadi Ibad: Didn't you also come to the party?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, we did.
Mashadi Ibad: Didn't you congratulate me on the occasion of engagement?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, we did.
Mashadi Ibad: Didn't someone abuse and call me a monkey there?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, he did.
Mashadi Ibad: Didn't I quarrel with him?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, you did.
Mashadi Ibad: Didn't you part us?
Hasangulu bey: Yes, we did.
Mashadi Ibad: But why is Rustam bey playing a trick on me? Even he had received and spent my 5 thousand manats money.
Hasangulu bey: You don't grieve! It's easy to resolve the problem. If you wish I'll do it!
Mashadi Ibad: May your father be in peace in his grave! Help me, please. Otherwise I'm in a very hopeless mood.
Hasangulu bey: Very good. Hurry up, then. Give me 500 manats. Because this case can be solved only by money.
Mashadi Ibad (in surpise). What? Must I give you 500 manats?
Hasangulu bey: Of course, without money nothing is possible!
Mashadi Ibad:
My man, by God I'm in a distraction, I'm about bankruptcy, where on earth can I find so much money?
Hasangulu bey:
It's your business. But I think the man who spent 5000 manats, can give 500 manats as well. It's not much money.
Mashadi Ibad:(
(He puts his hand into the bosom pocket and takes out money). There is a saying, If Koroghlu has become a miller, let's call for grain! This is one hundred, 2 hundred, 3 hundred. You also must give me 200 manats, your debt. It'll be 500 manats
Hasangulu bey:
Oh yes, now I can do the work. But you must be in touch with the
pressman Rza, because Rustam bey is afraid of newspaper very much (he shows). Oh, here he is coming.

© Musigi Dunyasi, 2005