Scene at the edition
Sarvar and Gulnaz
Mashadi Ibad and porter
Mashadi Ibad and Sarvar
Mashadi Ibad and porter
Sarvar and Gulnaz
Askar and Mashadi Ibad
Gasan bey and Rustam bey
The complaint of Mashadi Ibad
Rustam bey and Sarvar
Mashadi Ibad and Gasangulu bey
Mashadi Ibad and Rza bey
Mashadi Ibad and Askar
Mashadi Ibad and Gasan bey
Sarvar and Rustam bey
Scene of requirement of Rustam bey's explanation
Rustam bey and Mashadi Ibad
Scene at the bath (I)
Mashadi Ibad (scene at the bath II)
Scene at the bath
Mashadi Ibad's putting on
Mashadi Ibad's wedding
Gulnaz's wedding
Mashadi Ibad's wedding
(2-nd scene)
Mashadi Ibad
Mashadi Ibad's wedding (3-rd scene)
Mashadi Ibad and bride
Mashadi Ibad and Sarvar
Mashadi Ibad and others
Mashadi Ibad marries Sanam
Final scene
Musigi Dunyasi, 2005